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Compliance & Transparency

As public radio station, KUYI is required to meet the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations to stay on air. In order to receive grant funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), KUYI must disclose certain information publicly.

KUYI Community Advisory Board (CAB)

The KUYI CAB is filled by volunteers. If you are interested in serving as a CAB member, please email info[at) for inquiries and/or an application, or fill out our online volunteer form.


Community Advisory Board Meeting Dates

First Quarter: March 17th, 2025 at 5:30PM-7:00PM

Second Quarter: June 2nd, 2025 at 5:30PM-7:00PM

Third Quarter: September 1st, 2025 at 5:30PM-7:00PM

Fourth Quarter: December 1st, 2025 at 1:00PM-3:00PM


To see our current members, click here.

Open Meetings / Open Meeting Policy & Purpose
KUYI Community Advisory Board (CAB) is required to comply with the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 396 (k) (4) (“Communications Act”). The Communications Act requires public broadcast stations to deliberate, and take action, in open session. KUYI has adopted these rules to ensure compliance with the Communications Act and to promote full community participation in the discussions and decisions of KUYI’s Community Advisory Board.


  1. Open Meetings: Must Provide 7 days advanced notice of open board, board committee and CAB meetings by:

    • Posting notice on the station website;

    • Broadcasting notice on-air between 6am - 11pm, as shown by the station’s log;

    • Placing notice in the “Legal Notices” of a local newspaper in general circulation in primary coverage area; or

    • A recorded announcement accessible on the station’s phone system.

  2. Closed Meetings: Must document and make available tho the public the specific reason(s) for closing a governing body and its committee meetings, either at the station’s central office or on its website, within 10 days of the closed meeting.​

  3. CAB Advice: CAB must advise the station’s governing body whether the station’s programming and significant policies are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the station, and to make recommendations the CAB deems appropriate to meet such needs.

  4. CPB’s Employment Statical Report: Must be made available for review by the public at the station’s central office and each location with 6 or more employees.

  5. Donor Information: Stations that share donor/contributor’s personal information with a Non-affiliated Third Party must: ​​

    1. Clearly and conspicuously notify donor/contributor that the station may release its Personal Information to Non-affiliated Third Parties;​

    2. Advise the donor/contributor before any disclosure that they have the right not to have this Information disclosed; and

    3. Explain to the donor/contributor how to exercise that non-disclosure option.

  6. Station Senior/Executive Management: Names, titles and contact information must be listed on the station website.
           Note: Official contact is the Station Information, not Personal Contact Information.​

  7. Governing Body: Names must be listed on the station website.

  8. CAB Members: Names must be listed on the station website.

  9. Financial Statement: Most recent audited or unaudited financial statement, if permitted, must be posted on the station website.

  10. AFR or FSR: Most recent AFR or FSR must be posted on the station website.

  11. Diversity Statement: Must be posted on the station website or made available at the station’s central office.

  12. Local Content and Services Report: Must be posted on the station website or made available at the station’s central office.

  13. Harassment Prevention Training: Annual training for all officers, employees and interns.

  14. CSG Training: Stations must attend at least one CPB-sponsored session annually.

Closed-Session Agenda
The closed-session agenda shall be prepared and posted by the KUYI Station Manager. The closed-session agenda shall strictly conform to the format specified in the Communications Act. The KUYI Station Manager shall prepare a written report, or give an oral report, of any action taken in closed session that is required to be reported in open session by the Communications Act and that report shall be available for inspection and/or copying at the meeting during which the closed session is held.

CAB Correspondence
The Station Manager is authorized to open and examine all mail or other written communications addressed to the CAB and to immediately give a copy to the General Manager. The General Manager shall give immediate attention to administrative business referred to in the communication that does not require CAB action and may be promptly concluded or shall prepare a staff report for the next available CAB meeting.

Order of Business
The agenda for regular meetings of the CAB shall contain the following items in the order listed:
Closed Session [Refer to separate agenda from Attorney];

Closed Session Report (if applicable);


Reconvene for Quarterly Meeting;

Roll Call;


Special Presentations (if any);

CAB announcements or items which CAB members would like placed on a future agenda
for discussion, action or report (non-discussion item);

Consent Calendar items which shall include:

A) Reading of Minutes

B) Actions

Public Comments;

The order of items of business can be changed.

Preparation of Minutes

The Lead CAB Member / KUYI Staff shall have the responsibility for the preparation of the minutes. Any changes in the minutes shall be made only by members of the CAB.

Reading of Minutes

Unless the reading of the minutes of a CAB meeting is ordered by a majority vote of the CAB, such minutes may be approved without reading if the KUYI staff previously furnished each CAB member with a copy.

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